Johnel Franks | (347) 728-1956 |

Why Sellers Choose Us

Great Marketing Sells Homes

We provide a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to sell your home. Our approach includes targeted Facebook advertising, email marketing, content marketing and personalized 1-to-1 outreach.



Not sure if you’re ready to sell yet? Our Free Home Valuation is a great place to start!

Put Your Home On The Sold List For 2020.




A Stunning Website

We’ll create a beautiful webpage to feature your home in a way that makes it stand out from the crowd.

Design Matters. We’ll Make Your Home Shine.




Yes, Design Matters

Our Property Pages are one of the biggest reason we’re able to attract so much attention. We can control the presentation of your home on our website. The MLS, listing portals, and most broker sites follow the same standard formatting. We’re not given the freedom to change too much on sites we don’t control.

On, the shackles have been released and we’re free to show your home the way you envision it.

Curious? Compare our site to other local real estate websites! 




Reach Buyers with Email Marketing

Stories drive action. We tell a story about your listing through a series of targeted email blasts, sent to a carefully-chosen audience.  

Our email blasts are designed specifically to build excitement and enthusiasm for your home.

Our Emails Make An Impression.




Facebook to Reach Buyers

How do we get Buyers to our website in the first place? We employ a few different strategies, one of which is directing them there instantly through Facebook campaigns.  We’ll advertise your home on Facebook to reach 10,000+ people and be sure to highlight your home’s best features. This strategy helps engage buyers in a compelling way.

We create dedicated Facebook Ads to target locals and drive massive amounts of traffic to your listings using our advertising budget.

Our Stories Win.



Follow-Up Matters

We follow-up, seize every opportunity and make them great.

As you could imagine, being a full-time dedicated team, we receive over a 100 unique inquiries each and every day.  That amount of inquiry volume allows us to put multiple qualified buyers in positions to make serious offers to our sellers on a regular basis.

We don’t stop with just emailing. That’s too passive. We personally follow-up with all the buyers who have shown interest in your home. We turn engagement into offers!

We respond fast. And we can prove it.




Reach Buyers With Text Marketing
While social media can be a great way to convey messages to our followers, buyers and beyond, we realize that we may not be reaching potential buyers among all of the social noise. By texting instead, we are able to send out exciting (Call To Action) messages about updates regarding your home, price changes, and any information you would like to communicate to entice the buyers to make a move!



These text messages are direct, feel personal and ensure buyers read them.

